The Story of My Life

There was a time in my life, actually not so long ago, that I thought I had it all figured out… or at least that’s how it may have seemed. I had a great job, amazing friends, an incredible family and it seemed like I knew where I was going in life. However, in theContinue reading “The Story of My Life”

The Waiting Game

There is nothing more frustrating in an MBA graduate’s life post-grad than sitting around waiting to find that “perfect job”. Trust me, I speak from experience. This has been my life as of late: Job search, job search, application, gym, random venting sessions with friends from class, gym, job search, application, interview, brief moment ofContinue reading “The Waiting Game”

All Good Things Must Come to an End

When last we spoke, it was just a few hours prior to my graduation and I was rambling on about how monumental the day felt. Since then, I have officially become an “MBA” (yay!), travelled through the south of France (and fallen in love with Nice), attended my very first football (or soccer, depending onContinue reading “All Good Things Must Come to an End”

The Joy of Packing (or Lack Thereof)

The last couple of weeks have left me a bit silent. Unlike the other times when I just go MIA for a while because life is too busy and I have no time to write, this time it’s been somewhat the opposite. Life isn’t all that busy, but there really hasn’t been much exciting stuffContinue reading “The Joy of Packing (or Lack Thereof)”